complete discography
This is a list of every record we've released arranged chronologically, many of which are no longer available. If you're looking for records and CDs you can order, please have a look at our catalog.
various artists
catalog» SLR 82
released» June 2008
formats» 7"
Phil Wilson
catalog» SLR 78
released» August 2008
formats» 2 x 7"
Cause Co-Motion!
catalog» SLR 83
released» September 2008
formats» 7"
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
catalog» SLR 85
released» October 2008
formats» 7"
Crystal Stilts
catalog» SLR 84
released» October 2008
formats» LP/CD
Cause Co-Motion!
catalog» SLR 87
released» October 2008
formats» CD
Sexy Kids
catalog» SLR 79
released» November 2008
formats» 7"
catalog» SLR 86
released» November 2008
formats» 7"
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
catalog» SLR 89
released» February 2009
formats» LP/LP
Crystal Stilts
catalog» SLR 91
released» March 2009
formats» 7"
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
catalog» SLR 92
released» March 2009
formats» 7"
catalog» SLR 88
released» May 2009
formats» LP/CD
Cause Co-Motion!
catalog» SLR 93
released» May 2009
formats» 12" vinyl
catalog» SLR 96
released» June 2009
formats» 10" vinyl/CD
Summer Cats
catalog» SLR 101
released» July 2009
formats» LP/CD
The Champagne Socialists
catalog» SLR 98
released» July 2009
formats» 7"
various artists
catalog» SLR 94
released» August 2009
formats» 7"
various artists
catalog» SLR 95
released» August 2009
formats» 7"